Výstava 50 rokov talianskej módy (Exhibition 50 years of Italian fashion)
Výstava sa koná v Pálffyho paláci do 21. 10. 2010. Pôvodne bola výstava naplánovaná len do konca augusta, ale pre veľký záujem bola predĺžená až o takmer dve mesiace. Osobne som na nej ešte nebola, ale čítala som toľko zaujímavých (kladných) recenzií, že ma to celkom zaujalo a navyše sa to hodí k téme môjho blogu. Teda k tomu, že sa tu bavíme hlavne o talianskej móde a kozmetike. Okrem šiat známych návrhárov nájdeme na výstave aj šperky a módne doplnky. Na výstave dominujú nádherné šaty, ktoré mali na sebe napr. Audrey Hepburn, Milla Jovovich, Cate Blanchett, sandále, ktoré mala Madonna vo filme Evita, alebo doplnky, ktoré nosili manželky niektorých amerických prezidentov.
Zdroj: http://zena.sme.sk/c/5536526/vystavu-50-rokov-talianskej-mody-predlzili-do-oktobra.html#ixzz11KOJrsDa
The exhibition takes place in the Palffy Palace until 21 10. 2010th It was originally planned only to show the end of August, but the great interest has been extended by almost two months. Personally, I was not on it yet, but I read so many interesting (positive) reviews, that I was quite intrigued and moreover it fits the theme of my blog. Thus, the fact that they are talking here mainly about the Italian fashion and cosmetics. In addition to well-known clothing designers in the exhibition and find jewelry and fashion accessories. At the exhibition is dominated by beautiful dresses that were wearing such. Audrey Hepburn, Milla Jovovich, Cate Blanchett, sandals, which had Madonna in the film Evita, or accessories worn by some of the wives of American presidents.
Source: http://zena.sme.sk/c/5536526/vystavu-50-rokov-talianskej-mody-predlzili-do-oktobra.html#ixzz11KOJrsDa
The exhibition takes place in the Palffy Palace until 21 10. 2010th It was originally planned only to show the end of August, but the great interest has been extended by almost two months. Personally, I was not on it yet, but I read so many interesting (positive) reviews, that I was quite intrigued and moreover it fits the theme of my blog. Thus, the fact that they are talking here mainly about the Italian fashion and cosmetics. In addition to well-known clothing designers in the exhibition and find jewelry and fashion accessories. At the exhibition is dominated by beautiful dresses that were wearing such. Audrey Hepburn, Milla Jovovich, Cate Blanchett, sandals, which had Madonna in the film Evita, or accessories worn by some of the wives of American presidents.
Source: http://zena.sme.sk/c/5536526/vystavu-50-rokov-talianskej-mody-predlzili-do-oktobra.html#ixzz11KOJrsDa
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