Nový hand-made portál (New hand-made portal)
Keďže sme sa už bavili o hand-made výrobkoch, rada by som vás upozornila aj na nový portál, čo je v skutočnosti webová stránka, ktorá poskytuje predajcom možnosť predávať svoje hand-made výrobky a kupujúcim ich nákup. Je to úplne nová a neprebádaná stránka, ktorá má svoj potenciál. Môže sa vyvíjať a hlavne aj má kam. Takže pokojne ju navštívte a prezrite si zatiaľ len obmedzenú ponuku, ale rozhodne už aj to málo, čo sa tam nachádza, stojí za to. Samozrejme táto stránka sa dá nájsť aj na Facebooku, kde si pomaly ale isto nachádza svojich priaznivcov.
Keď vidím to množstvo hand-made výrobkov, tak mám chuť aj ja niečo vytvoriť. Po dlhom čase je to konečne niečo, čo by som rada skúsila. Veď som predsa predtým kadečo tvorila a odvtedy je to veľmi dávno, čo som nič nevytvorila. Možno je teraz ten správny čas. Tak už sa teším, že si nakúpim nejaké suroviny a pustím sa s chuťou do toho. Už sa na to aj celkom teším. :)
As we have already talked about hand-made products, I would like to alert you to new portal, which is actually a website that gives dealers the opportunity to sell their hand-made products, and buyers purchase them. It is a completely new and unexplored site that has potential. Can be developed and is especially well where. So feel free to visit it and see not just a limited offer, but decided already what little there is worth it. Of course this site can be found on Facebook, where slowly but surely found its fans.
When I see the amount of hand-made products, so I feel like I also create something. After a long time is finally something that I would like to try it. Because I still anything formed before and since this is a very long time since I did not create anything. Perhaps now is the right time. So I'm looking forward that you buy some material and moving on with a taste for it. Have at it and quite looking forward. :)
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Photo by Suesy |
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Photo by Suesy |
As we have already talked about hand-made products, I would like to alert you to new portal, which is actually a website that gives dealers the opportunity to sell their hand-made products, and buyers purchase them. It is a completely new and unexplored site that has potential. Can be developed and is especially well where. So feel free to visit it and see not just a limited offer, but decided already what little there is worth it. Of course this site can be found on Facebook, where slowly but surely found its fans.
When I see the amount of hand-made products, so I feel like I also create something. After a long time is finally something that I would like to try it. Because I still anything formed before and since this is a very long time since I did not create anything. Perhaps now is the right time. So I'm looking forward that you buy some material and moving on with a taste for it. Have at it and quite looking forward. :)
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