VODAFONE vánoce 2010
Keďže tieto reklamy žeriem, tak som to sem jednoducho musela dať :) Neviem, či aj vám pripadajú tie rozhovory medzi Smrčkom a Smrčkom vtipné, ale podľa mňa je to séria milých nenásilných reklám, ktoré sa mi veru nezunujú.
Všetkým vám želám veselé Vianoce!
Since these ads I like, so I just had to put here:) I wonder if even they seem to those conversations between Smrcek and Smrcek funny, but I think it's nice nonviolent series of ads that I am never bored.
I wish you all a merry Christmas!
Všetkým vám želám veselé Vianoce!
Since these ads I like, so I just had to put here:) I wonder if even they seem to those conversations between Smrcek and Smrcek funny, but I think it's nice nonviolent series of ads that I am never bored.
I wish you all a merry Christmas!
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